Monday, February 26, 2007

Moving around the corner

Our landlord told us he was thinking about selling the house....poo!! We really enjoyed living here, the house was amazing. As we were about to go back to the UK for Andy & Nat's wedding, we thought we better get our skates on and find somewhere else to live. The landlord wasn't sure of his timing, but if he decided to give us notice while we were in the UK, we'd be in big trouble. So we rushed around like idiots and found another place, just around the corner!! This house was great too, it had it's own distinctive style - spiral staircase and bedroom in the attic! More importantly for us, it was still in Glebe!

Packing up in Colbourne Ave
Our new home
Unpacking in Talfourd St
Our new, colourful kitchen!
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Saturday, February 24, 2007

A couple of friends I see everyday at work.

Chris works in the Cherry Bean cafe next door to the Glass Artists Gallery and keeps me sane when I need a break by serving me with the finest coffee in Glebe
Zena is a beautiful Pharoah Hound who guards the glass in Maureen's gallery. She's a bit of a teenager at the moment and doesn't like doing as she's told, but here she's looking very angelic!
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